Publication [J.17]
Gaeta, M.G., Bonaldo, D., Samaras, A.G., Carniel, S. and Archetti, R. (2018). Coupled wave - 2D hydrodynamics modeling at the Reno river mouth (Italy) under climate change scenarios. Water, 10 (10), 1380, DOI.
wave dynamics •• hydrodynamics •• multiscale modelling •• ocean & coastal scale •• climate change
This work presents the results of the numerical study implemented for the natural area of Lido di Spina, a touristic site along the Italian coast of the North Adriatic Sea, close to the mouth of River Reno. High-resolution simulations of nearshore dynamics are carried out under climate change conditions estimated for the site. The adopted modeling chain is based on the implementation of multiple-nested, open-source numerical models. More specifically, the coupled wave-2D hydrodynamics runs, using the open-source TELEMAC suite, are forced at the offshore boundary by waves resulting from the wave model (SWAN) simulations for the Adriatic Sea, and sea levels computed following a joint probability analysis approach. The system simulates present-day scenarios, as well as conditions reflecting the high IPCC greenhouse concentration trajectory named RCP8.5 under predicted climate changes. Selection of sea storms directed from SE (Sirocco events) and E–NE (Bora events) is performed together with Gumbel analysis, in order to define ordinary and extreme sea conditions. The numerical results are here presented in terms of local parameters such as wave breaking position, alongshore currents intensity and direction and flooded area, aiming to provide insights on how climate changes may impact hydrodynamics at a site scale. Although the wave energy intensity predicted for Sirocco events is expected to increase only slightly, modifications of the wave dynamics, current patterns, and inland flooding induced by climate changes are expected to be significant for extreme conditions, especially during Sirocco winds, with an increase in the maximum alongshore currents and in the inundated area compared to past conditions.
This work presents the results of the numerical study implemented for the natural area of Lido di Spina, a touristic site along the Italian coast of the North Adriatic Sea, close to the mouth of River Reno. High-resolution simulations of nearshore dynamics are carried out under climate change conditions estimated for the site. The adopted modeling chain is based on the implementation of multiple-nested, open-source numerical models. More specifically, the coupled wave-2D hydrodynamics runs, using the open-source TELEMAC suite, are forced at the offshore boundary by waves resulting from the wave model (SWAN) simulations for the Adriatic Sea, and sea levels computed following a joint probability analysis approach. The system simulates present-day scenarios, as well as conditions reflecting the high IPCC greenhouse concentration trajectory named RCP8.5 under predicted climate changes. Selection of sea storms directed from SE (Sirocco events) and E–NE (Bora events) is performed together with Gumbel analysis, in order to define ordinary and extreme sea conditions. The numerical results are here presented in terms of local parameters such as wave breaking position, alongshore currents intensity and direction and flooded area, aiming to provide insights on how climate changes may impact hydrodynamics at a site scale. Although the wave energy intensity predicted for Sirocco events is expected to increase only slightly, modifications of the wave dynamics, current patterns, and inland flooding induced by climate changes are expected to be significant for extreme conditions, especially during Sirocco winds, with an increase in the maximum alongshore currents and in the inundated area compared to past conditions.
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[19] Cipolloni, M. (2021). Adaptation and mitigation to climate change for the Adriatic Basin: analysis of the strategies of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche and Puglia Regions. MSc Thesis, Dipartimento Scienze della Vita e dell'Ambiente, Università Politecnica delle Marche, p.242. (Link)
[18] Kefelegn, H. (2020). Automatic Shoreline Digitization and Mesh Element Sizing for Hydrodynamic Modeling. PhD Thesis, Agricultural and Mechanical College, Louisiana State University. (Link)
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[16] Melito, L., Lalli, F., Postacchini, M. and Brocchini, M. (2022). A Semi-Empirical Approach for Tsunami Inundation: An Application to the Coasts of South Italy. Geophysical Research Letters, 49 (11), e2022GL098422, DOI.
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[14] Vieira da Silva, G., Strauss, D., Murray, T., Tomlinson, R., Taylor, J. and Prenzler, P. (2021). Building coastal resilience via sand backpassing - A framework for developing a decision support tool for sand management. Ocean & Coastal Management, 213, 105887, DOI.
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[12] Pellegrini, M., Aghakhani, A., Gaeta, M.G., Archetti, R., Guzzini, A. and Saccani, C. (2021). Effectiveness Assessment of an Innovative Ejector Plant for Port Sediment Management. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (2), pp.197, DOI.
[11] Archetti, R., Gaeta, M.-G., Addona, F., Damiani, L., Saponieri, A., Molfetta, M.G. and Bruno, M.F. (2020). Assessment of coastal vulnerability based on the use of integrated low cost monitoring approach and beach modelling: Two Italian study cases. Proc. of the Virtual International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2020, 36v, DOI.
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[09] Contestabile, P. and Vicinanza, D. (2020). Coastal Vulnerability and Mitigation Strategies: From Monitoring to Applied Research. Water, 12 (9), pp.2594, DOI.
[08] Jang, D., Joo, W., Jeong, C.-H., Kim, W., Park, S.W. and Song, Y. (2020). The Downscaling Study for Typhoon-Induced Coastal Inundation. Water, 12 (4), 1103, DOI.
[07] Bonaldo, D., Bucchignani, E., Pomaro, A., Ricchi, A., Sclavo, M. and Carniel, S. (2020). Wind waves in the Adriatic Sea under a severe climate change scenario and implications for the coasts. International Journal of Climatology, in press, DOI.
[06] Zhang, D.-L., Bi, C.-W., Wu, G.-Y., Zhao, S.-X. and Dong, G.-H. (2019). Laboratory Experimental Investigation on the Hydrodynamic Responses of an Extra-Large Electrical Platform in Wave and Storm Conditions. Water, 11 (10), 2042, DOI.
[05] Postacchini, M. and Ludeno, G. (2019). Combining Numerical Simulations and Normalized Scalar Product Strategy: A New Tool for Predicting Beach Inundation. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 7 (9), 325, DOI.
[04] Saponieri, A., Besio, G., Simonetti, F., Radulescu, V., Valentini, N., Damiani, L. and Veltri, P. (2019). Evaluation of wave hindcast models skill in the Black Sea. Proc. of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 16-21, 2019. (Link)
[03] Archetti, R., Damiani, L., Bianchini, A., Romagnoli, C., Abbiati, M., Addona, F., Airoldi, L., Cantelli, L., Gaeta, M.G., Guerrero, M., Pellegrini, M., Saccani, C., Barbanente, A., Saponieri, A., Simeone, V., Tarantino, E., Bruno, M.F., Doglioni, A., Motta Zanin, G., Pratola, L. and Molfetta, M.G. (2019). Innovative strategies, monitoring and analysis of the coastal erosion risk: The STIMARE Project. Proc. of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 16-21, 2019. (Link)
[02] Pan, J. and Shen, H.T. (2019). Tsunami intrusion and river ice movement. Water, 11 (6), 1290, DOI.
[01] Quang Tri, D., Kandasamy, J. and Cao Don, N. (2019). Quantitative assessment of the environmental impacts of dredging and dumping activities at sea. Applied Sciences, 9 (8), 1703, DOI.
[20] Mel, R.A., Feudo, T.L., Miceli, M., Sinopoli, S. and Maiolo, M. (2023). A coupled wave-hydrodynamical model to assess the effect of Mediterranean storms under climate change: the Calabaia case study. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 101368, DOI.
[19] Cipolloni, M. (2021). Adaptation and mitigation to climate change for the Adriatic Basin: analysis of the strategies of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche and Puglia Regions. MSc Thesis, Dipartimento Scienze della Vita e dell'Ambiente, Università Politecnica delle Marche, p.242. (Link)
[18] Kefelegn, H. (2020). Automatic Shoreline Digitization and Mesh Element Sizing for Hydrodynamic Modeling. PhD Thesis, Agricultural and Mechanical College, Louisiana State University. (Link)
[17] Pranavam Ayyappan Pillai, U., Pinardi, N., Federico, I., Causio, S., Trotta, F., Unguendoli, S. and Valentini, A. (2022). Wind-wave characteristics and extremes along the Emilia-Romagna coast. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22 (10), pp.3413-3433, DOI.
[16] Melito, L., Lalli, F., Postacchini, M. and Brocchini, M. (2022). A Semi-Empirical Approach for Tsunami Inundation: An Application to the Coasts of South Italy. Geophysical Research Letters, 49 (11), e2022GL098422, DOI.
[15] Vecchi, E., Tavasci, L., De Nigris, N. and Gandolfi, S. (2021). GNSS and Photogrammetric UAV Derived Data for Coastal Monitoring: A Case of Study in Emilia-Romagna, Italy. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (11), 1194, DOI.
[14] Vieira da Silva, G., Strauss, D., Murray, T., Tomlinson, R., Taylor, J. and Prenzler, P. (2021). Building coastal resilience via sand backpassing - A framework for developing a decision support tool for sand management. Ocean & Coastal Management, 213, 105887, DOI.
[13] Cremonini, G., De Leo, F., Stocchino, A. and Besio, G. (2021). On the selection of time-varying scenarios of metocean parameters wind and ocean waves: Methodologies and examples along the Ligurian coastline applications in the North Tyrrhenian Sea. Ocean Modelling, 163, 101819, DOI.
[12] Pellegrini, M., Aghakhani, A., Gaeta, M.G., Archetti, R., Guzzini, A. and Saccani, C. (2021). Effectiveness Assessment of an Innovative Ejector Plant for Port Sediment Management. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (2), pp.197, DOI.
[11] Archetti, R., Gaeta, M.-G., Addona, F., Damiani, L., Saponieri, A., Molfetta, M.G. and Bruno, M.F. (2020). Assessment of coastal vulnerability based on the use of integrated low cost monitoring approach and beach modelling: Two Italian study cases. Proc. of the Virtual International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2020, 36v, DOI.
[10] Lu, W.-S., Wu, H.-L., Hu, K.-C., Chen, Y.-L., Chen, W.-B., Hsiao, S.-C., Hsiao, Y., Chen, C.-Y. and Tsai, L.-H. (2020). The Characteristics of Coastal Highway Wave Attack and Nearshore Morphology: Provincial Highway No. 9, Taiwan. Water, 12 (11), 3274, DOI.
[09] Contestabile, P. and Vicinanza, D. (2020). Coastal Vulnerability and Mitigation Strategies: From Monitoring to Applied Research. Water, 12 (9), pp.2594, DOI.
[08] Jang, D., Joo, W., Jeong, C.-H., Kim, W., Park, S.W. and Song, Y. (2020). The Downscaling Study for Typhoon-Induced Coastal Inundation. Water, 12 (4), 1103, DOI.
[07] Bonaldo, D., Bucchignani, E., Pomaro, A., Ricchi, A., Sclavo, M. and Carniel, S. (2020). Wind waves in the Adriatic Sea under a severe climate change scenario and implications for the coasts. International Journal of Climatology, in press, DOI.
[06] Zhang, D.-L., Bi, C.-W., Wu, G.-Y., Zhao, S.-X. and Dong, G.-H. (2019). Laboratory Experimental Investigation on the Hydrodynamic Responses of an Extra-Large Electrical Platform in Wave and Storm Conditions. Water, 11 (10), 2042, DOI.
[05] Postacchini, M. and Ludeno, G. (2019). Combining Numerical Simulations and Normalized Scalar Product Strategy: A New Tool for Predicting Beach Inundation. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 7 (9), 325, DOI.
[04] Saponieri, A., Besio, G., Simonetti, F., Radulescu, V., Valentini, N., Damiani, L. and Veltri, P. (2019). Evaluation of wave hindcast models skill in the Black Sea. Proc. of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 16-21, 2019. (Link)
[03] Archetti, R., Damiani, L., Bianchini, A., Romagnoli, C., Abbiati, M., Addona, F., Airoldi, L., Cantelli, L., Gaeta, M.G., Guerrero, M., Pellegrini, M., Saccani, C., Barbanente, A., Saponieri, A., Simeone, V., Tarantino, E., Bruno, M.F., Doglioni, A., Motta Zanin, G., Pratola, L. and Molfetta, M.G. (2019). Innovative strategies, monitoring and analysis of the coastal erosion risk: The STIMARE Project. Proc. of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 16-21, 2019. (Link)
[02] Pan, J. and Shen, H.T. (2019). Tsunami intrusion and river ice movement. Water, 11 (6), 1290, DOI.
[01] Quang Tri, D., Kandasamy, J. and Cao Don, N. (2019). Quantitative assessment of the environmental impacts of dredging and dumping activities at sea. Applied Sciences, 9 (8), 1703, DOI.
Author's works that reference this work
[J.21] Samaras, A.G. and Karambas, Th.V. (2021). Modelling the impact of climate change on coastal flooding: Implications for coastal structures design. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (9), 1008, DOI.
[J.18] Gaeta, M.G., Samaras, A.G. and Archetti, R. (2020). Numerical investigation of thermal discharge to coastal areas: a case study in South Italy. Environmental Modelling & Software, 124, 104596, DOI.
[J.21] Samaras, A.G. and Karambas, Th.V. (2021). Modelling the impact of climate change on coastal flooding: Implications for coastal structures design. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (9), 1008, DOI.
[J.18] Gaeta, M.G., Samaras, A.G. and Archetti, R. (2020). Numerical investigation of thermal discharge to coastal areas: a case study in South Italy. Environmental Modelling & Software, 124, 104596, DOI.