2 papers in preparation
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Triantafyllou, I., Agalos, A., Samaras, A.G., Karambas, Th.V. and Papadopoulos, G. (2024). Strong earthquakes and tsunami potential in the Hellenic Subduction Zone. Journal of Geodynamics, 159, 102021, DOI.
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Samaras, A.G. and Karambas, Th.V. (2024). Simulating erosive and accretive conditions in the swash: Applications of a nonlinear wave and morphology evolution model. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12 (1), 140, DOI. (PDF)
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Samaras, A.G. (2023). Towards integrated modelling of Watershed-Coast System morphodynamics in a changing climate: A critical review and the path forward. Science of the Total Environment, 882, 163625, DOI.
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Samaras, A.G. and Karambas, Th.V. (2021). Modelling the impact of climate change on coastal flooding: Implications for coastal structures design. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (9), 1008, DOI. (PDF)
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Samaras, A.G. and Karambas, Th.V. (2021). Numerical simulation of ship-borne waves using a 2DH post-Boussinesq model. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 89, pp.1547-1556, DOI. (PDF*)
Gaeta, M.G., Samaras, A.G. and Archetti, R. (2020). Numerical investigation of thermal discharge to coastal areas: a case study in South Italy. Environmental Modelling & Software, 124, 104596, DOI.
Bonaldo, D., Antonioli, F, Archetti, R., ... ..., Samaras, A.G., Scicchitano, G. and Carniel, S. (2019). Integrating multidisciplinary instruments for assessing coastal vulnerability to erosion and sea level rise: lessons and challenges from the Adriatic Sea, Italy. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 23 (1), pp.19-37, DOI.
Karambas, Th.V. and Samaras, A.G. (2017). An integrated numerical model for the design of coastal protection structures. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 5 (4), 50, DOI. (PDF)
Gaeta, M.G., Samaras, A.G., Federico, I., Archetti, R., Maicu, F. and Lorenzetti, G. (2016). A coupled wave – 3-D hydrodynamics model of the Taranto Sea (Italy): a multiple-nesting approach. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16 (9), pp.2071-2083, DOI. (PDF)
Samaras, A.G., Gaeta, M.G., Miquel, A.M. and Archetti, R. (2016). High resolution wave and hydrodynamics modelling in coastal areas: operational applications for coastal planning, decision support and assessment. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16 (6),
pp.1499-1518, DOI. (PDF) |
Samaras, A.G., Karambas, Th.V. and Archetti, R. (2015). Simulation of tsunami generation, propagation and coastal inundation in the Eastern Mediterranean. Ocean Science, 11 (4),
pp.643-655, DOI. (PDF) Selected by the European Geosciences Union (EGU) for the issue of a press release that appeared on the front page of the EGU website (Link). Selected to be included in the Encyclopedia of Geosciences, a publication launched by the European Geosciences Union (EGU) in 2018, under two topics: The hydrosphere > Oceans > Ocean Waves and The hydrosphere > Oceans > The Mediterranean Sea (Link). |
Zafeirakou, A, Palantzas, G., Samaras, A. and Koutitas, C. (2015). Oil spill modeling aiming at the protection of ports and coastal areas. Environmental Processes, 2 (1), pp.41-53, DOI. (PDF)
Sepp Neves, A.A., Pinardi, N., Martins, F., Janeiro, J., Samaras, A., Zodiatis, G. and De Dominicis, M. (2015). Towards a common oil spill risk assessment framework - Adapting ISO 31000 and addressing uncertainties. Journal of Environmental Management, 159, pp.158-168, DOI.
Samaras, A.G., Zafeirakou, A., Palantzas, G. and Koutitas, C. (2014). Advances in operational oil spill modelling: Implications for the protection of the Black Sea Basin. Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, 20, pp.129-138, DOI. (PDF)
Samaras, A.G. and Koutitas, C.G. (2014). Comparison of three longshore sediment transport rate formulae in shoreline evolution modeling near stream mouths. Ocean Engineering, 92,
pp.255-266, DOI. (PDF*) |
Karambas, Th.V. and Samaras, A.G. (2014). Soft shore protection methods: The use of advanced numerical models in the evaluation of beach nourishment. Ocean Engineering, 92, pp.129-136, DOI. (PDF*)
Samaras, A.G., De Dominicis, M., Archetti, R., Lamberti, A. and Pinardi, N. (2014). Towards improving the representation of beaching in oil spill models: A case study. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 88 (1-2), pp.91-101, DOI. (PDF*)
Samaras, A.G. and Koutitas, C.G. (2014). Modeling the impact of climate change on sediment transport and morphology in coupled watershed-coast systems: A case study using an integrated approach. International Journal of Sediment Research, 29 (3), pp.304-315, DOI. (PDF*)
Samaras, A.G. and Koutitas, C.G. (2014). The impact of watershed management on coastal morphology: A case study using an integrated approach and numerical modeling.
Geomorphology, 211, pp.52-63, DOI. (PDF*) Ranked 13th in the "Top 25 Hottest Articles" of the Journal (subject area: Earth and Planetary Sciences) for the period from January to March 2014 (PDF). |
Samaras, A.G. and Koutitas, C.G. (2012). An integrated approach to quantify the impact of watershed management on coastal morphology. Ocean and Coastal Management, 69,
pp.68-77, DOI. (PDF*) |
Samaras, A.G. and Koutitas, C.G. (2009). The impact of catchment management on coastal morphology. The case of Fourka in Greece. Journal of Coastal Research, 56 (SI), pp.1686-1690.
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Samaras, A.G. and Koutitas, C.G. (2008). Modelling the impact on coastal morphology of the water management in transboundary river basins. The case of River Nestos. Management of Environmental Quality, 19 (4), pp.455-466, DOI. (PDF*)
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