Publication [J.20]
Samaras, A.G. and Karambas, Th.V. (2020). Numerical simulation of ship-borne waves using a 2DH post-Boussinesq model. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 89, pp.1547-1556, DOI. (PDF*)
ship waves •• ship wakes •• solitary waves •• wave dynamics •• ocean & coastal scale
This work presents results on the simulation of the generation and propagation of ship-borne waves, using an advanced nonlinear dispersive wave model based on the higher order Boussinesq-type equations. The model includes a single frequency dispersion term, expressed through convolution integrals; it is adapted to represent ship-borne waves by adopting the approach for wave generation by a moving local pressure disturbance, achieved through adding a respective pressure term in its governing equations. The model is tested against an analytical solution for the calculation of the angles of ship wakes and laboratory experiments of waves produced by a high-speed ship in a channel. Results compare well to data from both the aforementioned studies, confirming the model’s capabilities and highlighting its accuracy in the representation of ship-borne waves; the model’s applicability to practical coastal engineering applications is also investigated, through a set of numerical experiments of waves generated at sea and in a harbour.
This work presents results on the simulation of the generation and propagation of ship-borne waves, using an advanced nonlinear dispersive wave model based on the higher order Boussinesq-type equations. The model includes a single frequency dispersion term, expressed through convolution integrals; it is adapted to represent ship-borne waves by adopting the approach for wave generation by a moving local pressure disturbance, achieved through adding a respective pressure term in its governing equations. The model is tested against an analytical solution for the calculation of the angles of ship wakes and laboratory experiments of waves produced by a high-speed ship in a channel. Results compare well to data from both the aforementioned studies, confirming the model’s capabilities and highlighting its accuracy in the representation of ship-borne waves; the model’s applicability to practical coastal engineering applications is also investigated, through a set of numerical experiments of waves generated at sea and in a harbour.
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[10] Broeders, S.T. (2023). Hydrodynamic effects of primary vessel waves in a semi-closed groyne field. MSc Thesis, Delft University of Technology, p.102 DOI.
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[06] Dempwolff, L.-C., Windt, C., Melling, G., Martin, T., Bihs, H., Holzwarth, I. and Goseberg, N. (2022). The influence of the hull representation for modelling of primary ship waves with a shallow-water equation solver. Ocean Engineering, 266, 113163, DOI.
[05] Ai, C., Ma, Y., Sun, L. and Dong, G. (2023). Numerical simulation of ship waves in the presence of a uniform current. Coastal Engineering, 179, 104250, DOI.
[04] Fang, K., Liu, Z., Wang, P., Wu, H., Sun, J. and Yin, J. (2022). Modeling solitary wave propagation and transformation over complex bathymetries using a two-layer Boussinesq model. Ocean Engineering, 265, 112549, DOI.
[03] Dempwolff, L.-C., Melling, G., Windt, C., Lojek, O., Martin, T., Holzwarth, I., Bihs, H. and Goseberg, N. (2022). Loads and effects of ship-generated, drawdown waves in confined waterways - A review of current knowledge and methods. Journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures, 2, 46, DOI.
[02] Karambas, T. and Loukogeorgaki, E. (2022). A Boussinesq-Type Model for Nonlinear Wave-Heaving Cylinder Interaction. Energies, 15 (2), 469, DOI.
[01] Fadhiliani, D., Ikhwan, M., Ramli, M., Rizal, S. and Syafwan, M. (2021). Distribution of energy in propagation for ocean extreme wave generation in hydrodynamics laboratory. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 8 (1), pp.17-26, DOI.