Investigation of the morphodynamic status of the coasts of the E.M.T. Region - Proposals for the mitigation of erosion phenomena with the use of advanced numerical models. (2023-2025)
Eye4Water – Strengthening the water management practices (in EMT-R) through the development of innovative ICT methodologies and improvement of research infrastructures. (2020-2023)
RITMARE – The Italian Research for the Sea / Phase II - Coastal Vulnerability to erosion and sea level rise. (2016-2017)
Optimal design of hydraulic communication of a lateral basin to central flow. Application to small harbours and fishponds. (2012-2015)
BSB Net-Eco – Research networking for the environmental monitoring and mitigation of adverse ecological effects in the Black Sea Basin. (2014-2015)
TESSA – Development of technologies for the "Situational Sea Awareness". (2012-2015)
"Virtual Labs" – Implementation of computer technology in Civil Engineering Education. (2010)
Indicators for the evaluation of the environment and sustainability in the Greater Thessaloniki area. (2006-2008)
Regional Framework Operation BEACHMED-e, Subprogram 3.3: Management of sand deposits collected by coastal & river infrastructure. Recovery of sediment transport–"GESA". (2006-2008)
Regional Framework Operation BEACHMED-e, Subprogram 2.2: Characterisation of hydrometeorological conditions of coastlines, analysis of risks to coastlines, behaviour of protective measures and dynamics of Posidonia Oceanica grasslands–"NAUSICAA". (2006-2008)
Regional Framework Operation BEACHMED-e, Subprogram 3.1: Evaluate risks and establish integrated plans for Mediterranean coastlines. Analysis and management process for coastal zones: risk, impact mitigation and area planning assessment methods–"MEDPLAN". (2006-2008)