Publication [J.02]
Samaras, A.G. and Koutitas, C.G. (2009). The impact of catchment management on coastal morphology. The case of Fourka in Greece. Journal of Coastal Research, 56 (SI), pp.1686-1690. (Link; PDF)
Watershed-Coast Systems •• watershed management •• morphology •• shoreline evolution model
The impact of catchment management on coastal morphology is studied in the present work, focusing on land cover changes and their effect on erosive phenomena. The study area is located in Chalkidiki, North Greece, and comprises the catchment of the Fourka Torrent and the area adjacent to its mouth. There, the shoreline retreat of about 35m (at the torrent’s mouth) in less than 15 years is attributed to the changes in cultivation practices, as the majority of the former grain fields have gradually been abandoned and transformed into grasslands. These areas of low erodibility have minor contribution to the catchment’s sediment yield, something that inevitably leads to a significant decrease of the torrent sediment discharge as well. The case was studied using Geographic Information Systems, field measurements and numerical modeling, in order to estimate the extent of the land cover changes that took place, the past and present shorelines and the shoreline change due to the wave action and the torrent sediment discharge. The developed numerical model was applied for two different simulation approaches of the input sediment discharge from the torrent; its results were analysed with respect to the changes in Land Cover and Management Factor (C) in the catchment and to other researchers’ studies. The conclusions derived, do constitute the first step in the authors’ attempt to correlate the aforementioned phenomena and can be used as indicative guidelines in similar case studies.
The impact of catchment management on coastal morphology is studied in the present work, focusing on land cover changes and their effect on erosive phenomena. The study area is located in Chalkidiki, North Greece, and comprises the catchment of the Fourka Torrent and the area adjacent to its mouth. There, the shoreline retreat of about 35m (at the torrent’s mouth) in less than 15 years is attributed to the changes in cultivation practices, as the majority of the former grain fields have gradually been abandoned and transformed into grasslands. These areas of low erodibility have minor contribution to the catchment’s sediment yield, something that inevitably leads to a significant decrease of the torrent sediment discharge as well. The case was studied using Geographic Information Systems, field measurements and numerical modeling, in order to estimate the extent of the land cover changes that took place, the past and present shorelines and the shoreline change due to the wave action and the torrent sediment discharge. The developed numerical model was applied for two different simulation approaches of the input sediment discharge from the torrent; its results were analysed with respect to the changes in Land Cover and Management Factor (C) in the catchment and to other researchers’ studies. The conclusions derived, do constitute the first step in the authors’ attempt to correlate the aforementioned phenomena and can be used as indicative guidelines in similar case studies.
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[02] Triantafyllou, A.I., Vergos, G.S. and Tsakoumis, G.M. (2022). Development of an integrated observatory system for preventing and managing the risk of coastal erosion due to the impact of climate change through the utilization of earth observation data. 9th International Conference on Civil Protection & New Technologies - SafeThessaloniki 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 29 - October 1, 2022, pp.349-352. (Link)
[01] Ruol, P., Martinelli, L. and Favaretto, C. (2018). Vulnerability analysis of the Venetian littoral and adopted mitigation strategy. Water, 10 (8), 984, DOI.
Author's works that reference this work
[J.08] Samaras, A.G. and Koutitas, C.G. (2014). Comparison of three longshore sediment transport rate formulae in shoreline evolution modeling near stream mouths. Ocean Engineering, 92, pp.255-266, DOI.
[J.05] Samaras, A.G. and Koutitas, C.G. (2014). Modeling the impact of climate change on sediment transport and morphology in coupled watershed-coast systems: A case study using an integrated approach. International Journal of Sediment Research, 29 (3), pp.304-315, DOI.
[J.04] Samaras, A.G. and Koutitas, C.G. (2014). The impact of watershed management on coastal morphology: A case study using an integrated approach and numerical modeling. Geomorphology, 211, pp.52-63, DOI.
[J.03] Samaras, A.G. and Koutitas, C.G. (2012). An integrated approach to quantify the impact of watershed management on coastal morphology. Ocean and Coastal Management, 69, pp.68-77, DOI.
[J.08] Samaras, A.G. and Koutitas, C.G. (2014). Comparison of three longshore sediment transport rate formulae in shoreline evolution modeling near stream mouths. Ocean Engineering, 92, pp.255-266, DOI.
[J.05] Samaras, A.G. and Koutitas, C.G. (2014). Modeling the impact of climate change on sediment transport and morphology in coupled watershed-coast systems: A case study using an integrated approach. International Journal of Sediment Research, 29 (3), pp.304-315, DOI.
[J.04] Samaras, A.G. and Koutitas, C.G. (2014). The impact of watershed management on coastal morphology: A case study using an integrated approach and numerical modeling. Geomorphology, 211, pp.52-63, DOI.
[J.03] Samaras, A.G. and Koutitas, C.G. (2012). An integrated approach to quantify the impact of watershed management on coastal morphology. Ocean and Coastal Management, 69, pp.68-77, DOI.